Implementing a strong advisory system at Arizona State University that integrates on-the-ground and online support

How might we establish and maintain low student-to-advisor ratios and caseloads at a large scale?
The university implemented a strong advisory system integrating and maintaining on-ground support with online solutions from eAdvisor, which helps advisors, success coaches, and departments track students and tailor proactive support, in part, through predictive analytics. Some key system features include:
- Consolidation of student majors, timetables, and progress against requirements with financial aid and residence hall information into an integrated, common “source of truth” for each student
- Supply and demand matching to give departments greater visibility into support needs and to allow them to plan courses to ensure graduation requirements can be met on time
- Establishment of a 350:1 student to advisor ratio
- Additional support from success coaches (graduate students or upperclassmen), one for every 90 students
- Early warning system built with predictive analytics technology to predict student success in a major and notify advisors before problems arise and when students get off-track
- Regular one-on-one meetings with advisors, with required in-person touchpoints for off-track students
As a result of ASU’s advising transformation, case loads are better distributed and shared between advisors and success coaches, and technology is being leveraged to engage advisors with early warning signals and to direct their personal attention to off-track students.
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Pell Recipients
Students of Color
Net cost of Attendance
$31,449 (in-state)