Preparing a pipeline of students for success at Arizona State University through on-campus and online academies

How might we better prepare incoming students academically and skillwise in order to succeed?
Three-pronged effort:
- Created ASU Preparatory Academy to serve hundreds of students on the Phoenix campus with:
- Academic programming based on the Cambridge Curriculum and including capstone projects, Learning Lab, research and writing workshops, after-school tutoring, and Saturday Scholars
- Continuous teacher and curriculum development from the Fulton Teacher’s College Professor in Residence
- Student support from families logging at least 30 service hours
- Contributions to learning experiences from community partners
- Created Global Freshman Academy as a suite of 20 online first-year-level courses, delivered at scale and at low cost and targeting B2C adult learners, working learners, international students, and 11th and 12th graders
- Developed ASU101/ASU11 as a required one credit hour first-year seminar course, customized by each college, to prepare enrolled students to succeed by introducing key skills and topics for study
These three interrelated academies and courses are preparing a pipeline of students and enrolled students at ASU for success through a rigorous curriculum and strong involvement of the university, student families, and community partners.
- ASU Prep serves approximately 1,000 students at the Phoenix campus, of which ~70% are on free/reduced lunch and ~80% are Hispanic or African American
- Students are better prepared by learning key skills and topics like time management, gaining greater awareness of ASU, and getting to know their classmates
Ready to take action?
Brainstorming prompts for you and your team to consider
Learn more about developmental education from our research

Pell Recipients
Students of Color
Net cost of Attendance
$31,449 (in-state)