Enrolling more online students at Sam Houston State University
How might we get 5,000 online students by 2018?
Seven-pronged effort:
- Committed to the idea of no difference between degrees earned through online course delivery and degrees earned through traditional classroom courses
- Brought in online education expert to lead digital learning capacity, first as a consultant, then as the full-time director
- Improved staffing (70 online education professionals assisting 40 online programs)
- Supported development of online classes through courseware designers, a 24/7 help desk, and online-proctoring technology
- Leveraged revenue sharing and stipends to incent faculty to move courses online
- Incentivized academic departments with 50% of fees from online courses
- Offered $1,000 scholarships for completely online students
97% of all graduating students have taken at least one online course; 50% of students now take an online course.
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