Fostering stakeholder alignment and buy-in at Portland State University


How might stakeholders align on core principles and establish buy-in for transformation?


Eight-pronged effort: 

  • Shared core principles and established buy-in through feedback sessions, surveys, and town halls
  • Offered candid reflections through provost’s blog
  • Made progress transparent through student success initiatives posted online
  • Implemented performance-based budgeting process to increase transparency around resource allocation
  • Empowered leaders “to get stuff done” in service of academic innovation and student success
  • Used data to identify gaps to inform prioritization of student success projects
  • Looked to ideas from the “outside,” both from other campuses and other sectors
  • Used design thinking as a way to incorporate student experiences


A transformation journey enabled by a commitment to inclusivity and transparency, visionary leadership, new insights from data, and implementation capacity.

Ready to take action?

Brainstorming prompts for you and your team to consider

Learn more about communications & engagement from our research
