Transformation Initiatives: Reflections
Institutions are always shifting and changing. Echoes of past programs, initiatives, campaigns, or strategic directions can linger. This tool helps map out where you’ve been and tries to put into context — and prompt conversation about — where you want to go.
- Suggested time: 30-45 mins
- Materials: Pens, worksheet, whiteboard or large sheet of paper
- When to use: When you want to get a high-level sense of where you are (and where you’ve been) on your transformation journey
Print out the Transformation Timeline worksheet or recreate the categories on a whiteboard or large sheet of paper.
Spend time with your team thinking about past student success initiatives. List the initiatives on your worksheet or on the whiteboard. Post-Its will allow you to mark and move the initiatives along the timeline, as needed. This list doesn’t need to be exhaustive, and it can be completed or added to over time.
Think about ongoing or current student success initiatives. Where do these initiatives fit in?
What initiatives are in the pipeline? What’s being discussed or about to launch?
Use the discussion questions on the worksheet to prompt conversation about the following:
- Learnings from past initiatives that have failed
- Learnings from ongoing initiatives that are successful
- Areas that you heavily focus on versus new areas you might consider focusing on
- Potential initiatives to prioritize or focus on
- Resources to consider